Cornerstone Contracting Inc

Canandaigua, New York

August 2020 – October 2020

Project Overview

Terra Nova completed the demolition and excavation services at the Canandaigua VAMC to replace the existing fuel line and above ground storage tanks. Terra Nova has transferred 55,000-gallons of No. 2 fuel oil from above ground storage tanks (ASTs) to temporary fuel storage tanks and installed temporary feed and return lines to an active boiler system. Terra Nova performed confined space entry to environmental decontaminated, transported, and disposed of residual fuel oil and sludge within two 75,000-gal ASTs. Once cleaned, Terra Nova demolished the ASTs, perimeter structures, and concrete containment pad and subsurface footers. Terra Nova is currently preparing to excavate and backfill a new tunnel and tank pad to facilitate installation of new fuel lines and ASTs. Terra Nova’s work includes Health and Safety Management for the work performed, fuel transfer, demolition, decontamination, transport and disposal, confined space entry, excavation, and backfill.

Project Highlights

  • Installation of temporary fuel storage tanks

  • Decontamination of two 75,000-gal above ground storage tanks

  • Demolition of above ground storage tanks and concrete containment pad

  • Excavation and backfill for installation of new fuel line and new above ground storage tanks

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